I’m Still a “Real” Musician

Earning a living from writing doesn’t make me any less of a musician

Hannah Haefele
The Modern Musician


Photo by Simon Noh on Unsplash

Since the pandemic hit about a year ago, musicians have had to take on work outside of the industry. I left private teaching and have been focusing on arranging and recording. But those things aren’t paying the bills (yet).

Like many of my colleagues, I’ve lost a lot of musical opportunities this past year. I moved home after graduating from grad school, and I have built a career in freelance writing…mostly on topics other than music.

But that doesn’t take away the fact that I have two music degrees. I’ve played some sort of instrument for about 20 years. I have made money through my music, and I know I can do it again.

In the meantime, I get to explore my other interests. My writing work involves researching and writing about a ton of different subjects. Because of that, I’ve gotten to learn a lot of cool things.

But I’m still a musician, even if not all of my income comes from it.

I Use My Degree

Anytime I pick up my flute or piccolo to practice, I get to use skills I learned in college. I also get to use my skills and knowledge when I create a new arrangement or write an article for my music blog.

