Not disabled but the differently abled fox

Manikanta Belde
The Modern Panchatantra
3 min readApr 12, 2021


We look at several people around us who are disabled physically. Some feel pity for them and some ignore them. In the same way, some disabled feel bad about themselves and lose self-confidence and some do miracles and these are differently-abled. Let me clear it with a small story.

Moral: Physical disability is not true, but mental disability is.

There is a pack of foxes living in a forest. Out of them, one was blind since its birth. It used its other senses to learn about things around it. It never felt inferior, even though it was criticized by other foxes every day.

Instead, it believed itself a lot and learned things better than other foxes. It built sound senses, and it worked very hard to learn everything. The other foxes were sometimes jealous and always criticized the blind fox.

One day they had a race among them and one who runs fast into the dark forest and comes back first will be the winner, and they will be given utmost respect of all. The blind fox also wants to take part in the race, but the other foxes criticized it, but the blind fox didn’t care and said that it wants to participate.

The foxes agreed and started the race. They all want to get rid of the blind fox as they were jealous, and they felt that the blind fox would get lost in the dark forest and it’s full of dangers. All other foxes ran together and took rest in the middle of their journey, leaving the blind fox as they believed strongly that the blind fox would never return.

The foxes ate well and took rest and it’s almost evening, and they returned to their vicinity however they ignored the blind fox, and they laughed believing that they got rid of the blind fox for good.

It was almost night, and the foxes were taking rest, and the blind fox returned safely. All foxes were surprised and asked the blind fox how it could return from there.

The blind fox explained it used its smell and other senses to learn about the surroundings and returned safely following the senses. Then it spoke sadly that it understood that the other foxes wanted to get rid of it. However, it didn’t want to be a winner in the race, but it wants to get love and respect from them. That’s the reason it took part in the race.

The foxes felt shameful and apologized to the blind fox and lived happily together thereafter.

Even in our daily life, we come across such people every day. We show them pity, or we laugh at them, or we ignore them, but they also expect respect and love like everyone.

If you observe clearly, the physically disabled are not disabled at all. They are differently abled. The people who are mentally disabled are truly disabled, and we see such disabled ones around us every day.

Now judge who is truly abled and disabled and what you want to be.



Manikanta Belde
The Modern Panchatantra

📚 Author: Wrote and published 10+ books 🔥Entrepreneur: Established several online and offline businesses 👨‍💻Life coach: Helped people get better.