The Foolish Parrot

Manikanta Belde
The Modern Panchatantra
2 min readSep 11, 2020


There was a rich merchant who lived in a town. His business was to buy and sell valuables to others and make a lot of money. His business is well.

One day he brought a beautiful parrot home, and this parrot looks royal and can speak. It ate costly food, and it entertained the merchant every day by singing and talking to him. The merchant loved the parrot, and he kept it for himself. He provided royal treatment to the parrot.

The parrot became proud, and it wished to eat only costly food. The merchant bought costly food, and the parrot didn’t eat it as it wished to eat more costly food.

One day, the merchant sold everything he had and brought a precious diamond. He planned to sell it at a higher cost and make a fortune in his life. He placed the diamond in his room. The parrot felt hunger and saw the diamond and engulfed it.

The merchant saw it, and he tried to stop the parrot. But it's already too late. The merchant decided to kill the parrot and take out the diamond. He went into the kitchen and brought a knife, and the parrot looked at the knife and flew away from the nearby window.

MORAL: A foolish friend is dangerous and can cause more harm to you than your enemy.

Even in human life, remember this moral. Never have a foolish friend with you. The foolish friend can cause more harm to you than an enemy. Such a foolish friend company can cause you deep pain in life.



Manikanta Belde
The Modern Panchatantra

📚 Author: Wrote and published 10+ books 🔥Entrepreneur: Established several online and offline businesses 👨‍💻Life coach: Helped people get better.