Good Product Manager / Great Product Manager

Alex Mitchell
The Modern Product Manager
10 min readAug 22, 2020


It’s been decades since Ben Horowitz (of a16z fame) penned the instant classic: Good PM / Bad PM.

Although there are certainly parts of the blog post that are out-of-date today, much of the spirit of the post holds up. In fact, I often still recommend it when I put together lists of top blog posts for new Product Managers.

However, there is one thing that always bothered me with Horowitz’s post: Good should not be the target. Your aspiration as a Product Manager should not be “Good”. “Good” Product Managers and “Good” Companies don’t change the world.

Aim for Great.

It’s easy to talk about anti-patterns and Bad Product Managers, but it can often be more difficult to tease out the little and big things that Great Product Managers do that separate them from “Good” ones.

Good PM / Great PM

There are many different characteristics and behaviors that separate Good PMs and Great PMs. This is only a small sample of some of the key ways I’ve seen Great PMs differentiate themselves.

Teaching Others



Alex Mitchell
The Modern Product Manager

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