If the Avengers Were Product Managers

Alex Mitchell
The Modern Product Manager
6 min readJul 30, 2020



It’s impossible to dispute how successful the Avengers series of movies has been. The 4 Avengers movies top the list of the most successful superhero films of all time.

Each has made over $1B in worldwide gross box office receipts. Both Infinity War and Endgame broke the $2B barrier with Endgame almost reaching $3B!

The Avengers is such a successful franchise not only because of the non-stop action the movies are known for, but also for the complex and interweaving character personalities, strengths, and weaknesses that make the team of superheroes better than any individual character.

In order for a tech company, and more specifically, a product and engineering organization at a tech company to succeed, you need to have the right mix of Product Manager personas and personas.

It’s something I’ve written a lot about. I’m passionate about building the right Product teams for the right problems at the right companies:



Alex Mitchell
The Modern Product Manager

Product @Kinsured | 5x Product Leader/Founder | Syndicate: bit.ly/mitchell-ventures | Author: @producthandbook @disruptbook