Artificial Intelligence — A Blessing or a Curse

Sanyam Sinha
The Modern Scientist
5 min readDec 10, 2022


Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the technologies that is growing the fastest and has a multitude of uses. Artificial intelligence (AI) has made our lives easier by providing solutions in various sectors, from recommending hundreds of movies according to our tastes to driving automated cars. There has been a debate over whether artificial intelligence will be a blessing or a curse due to this fascinating technological development. The effects of AI are the subject of several theories and intimidating ideas. From worries that AI would replace people to terrifying visions where robots rule the world.

A Man playing Futuristic Augmented Reality Game

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence refers to a method that lets machines imitate human behaviour. AI can advance from earlier iterations, grow wiser and more conscious, and so increase its powers and knowledge. AI allows machines to carry out cognitive tasks including planning, reasoning, problem-solving, and learning. AI is the imitation of human intelligence by machines, and it has the potential to address many pressing issues in the actual world.

A Businessman touching the futuristic brain working of AI

The Good Side of AI

Minimize the possibility of error — Computers make choices based on historical data. Computers lessen the likelihood of errors. This is an accomplishment since handling difficult problems calls for complex calculations that can be completed without error. Business enterprises connect with their users via virtual assistants, which allows them to save a significant amount of time. Users don’t have to wait because the demand for their businesses is met. They are programmed to offer a user the maximum help available. When it comes to artificial intelligence, there is no space for error.

Longer working hours — In mining and other fuel exploration activities, artificial intelligence and robotics are applied. These sophisticated devices aid in ocean exploration and help to overcome human constraints. The robots’ programming allows them to execute more difficult tasks with increased effort, efficiency and responsibility. Additionally, they do not easily wear out.

Ease in everyday tasks — Virtual Assistants like Alexa, and Siri take our commands and complete the request with a simple touch. GPS facilitates global travel from the shortest distances to the longest, all over the world.

Another example is the autocorrect tool. It reads what you are trying to say and shows you the sentence in the best way.

With the aid of faces, Google Photos creates a folder of the people in the photos.

Because it facilitates data organisation and management, artificial intelligence is widely used by banking firms and finance companies. A smartcard reader system also incorporates artificial intelligence for fraud detection.

Logical and Rational Decisions — Logic is crucial. Virtual assistants are used by high-tech enterprises to engage with people and reduce the requirement for human personnel.

If logical consideration is given to them, the right programme decisions can be made. Emotional responses are a part of being human. There is no distraction at all while using artificial intelligence. Robots operate logically because they lack an emotional component.

Since they are unrelated to feelings, the mood has no negative effects on performance. They are therefore continuously productive.

Progress in Healthcare Industry — With the aid of artificial machine intelligence, doctors can evaluate patients’ health risks.

Applications aid in educating the machine about various medications’ adverse effects. Today, artificial surgery simulations are used to train medical practitioners. It makes use of software that aids in the monitoring and detection of neurological problems as well as the stimulation of brain activity.

This aids in radiosurgery as well. Utilizing radiosurgery, malignancies can be removed without causing any damage to the nearby tissues.

The Bad Side of AI

Biased AI — AI algorithms are created by people, and they may contain biased human inputs that were either knowingly or unknowingly inserted into the algorithm. If AI algorithms were built with a bias or if the data used as training sets for the algorithms was skewed, they will produce biased results. This reality may have unforeseen repercussions, similar to those brought on by discriminating hiring practices and Microsoft’s racist Twitter chatbot. Companies must appropriately design and train AI algorithms as they are created to eliminate bias.

Unemployment for people — A robot is one example of artificial intelligence in use, and it is replacing jobs and raising unemployment (in a few cases). As a result, some assert that there’s still a possibility of job losses resulting by an increase in number of bots taking the place of people. For example, in certain more advanced technological countries like Japan, robots are regularly used to substitute human resources in industrial enterprises.

Laws and regulations — While technology has made the world smaller than it has ever been, this also implies that policies governing AI technology need to be agreed upon among foreign nations in order to permit secure and productive cross-border interactions. It is very easy for one country’s artificial intelligence policies to have a negative impact on others. For example, whereas the US and, particularly, China, allow their corporations to use AI much more generously, Europe has established a solid regulatory approach to assure consent and openness.

AI Terrorism — With the development of drones, robotic swarms, remote attacks, and disease delivery by nanorobots, there may be new AI-enabled forms of terrorism to cope with. The potential threat that these pose will require adjustments from our law enforcement and military organisations.

Image: valerybrozhinsky —


There is no doubt that AI has enormous potential to make the world a better place to live. Ensuring that the development of AI doesn’t spiral out of control will be the most crucial task for mankind. Artificial intelligence has both debated advantages and disadvantages, but there is no denying that technology is having a significant impact on the world economy. It keeps expanding every day, promoting corporate sustainability. Without a doubt, this underlines the need for AI literacy and upskilling in order to be successful in many new jobs. As long as people are still engaged in coming up with answers, we would be able to profit from artificial intelligence’s many advantages while reducing the negative repercussions.

