Quantum Computing Product Menu

Brian N. Siegelwax
The Modern Scientist
15 min readMar 27, 2023



May I take your order, please?

I have evaluated 136 quantum computing frameworks, platforms, and utilities. Out of those 136, only 8 are permanent tools in my toolkit. Out of the rest, there are a few that I am quite fond of, but that I just don’t need for projects. There are others that I like, as well, but the tools already in my toolkit are better. And, at the opposite end of the spectrum, there are those that are inaccessible and, worse, those that just don’t work. For the record: I am always open to add/replace tools in my toolkit. Thanks to suggestions from Jack Krupansky, there is a “wine list” of 18 algorithms and a list of 9 “oysters,” aka qubit modalities. Thanks to Jim Walker, there is a “desserts” list of 8 programming languages. I’ve also added a list of 23 “appetizers,” which you might recognize as hardware providers.

Here’s a quick legend for your dining experience:

  • L indicates familiarity without actual use; in some cases I have not been granted access and have gathered publicly-available information, and in other cases I have been granted access and determined it unnecessary.
  • M indicates actual use.
  • H indicates considerable use.
  • X indicates eXtreme use, as in I have pushed the limits of the product.

