Recursive Feature Elimination: A Powerful Technique for Feature Selection in Machine Learning


Everton Gomede, PhD
The Modern Scientist
5 min readSep 2, 2023


In the realm of machine learning and data analysis, one of the critical steps in building accurate and efficient predictive models is feature selection. Feature selection involves choosing the most relevant and informative attributes (features) from a dataset while discarding irrelevant or redundant ones. One powerful and widely used technique for feature selection is Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE). RFE is an iterative algorithm that systematically removes less important features from the dataset, ultimately improving model performance and reducing overfitting. This essay delves into the principles, advantages, and applications of RFE in the context of machine learning.

Principles of Recursive Feature Elimination

Recursive Feature Elimination operates on a straightforward yet effective principle. It starts with all available features and repeatedly fits the model, evaluates feature importance, and eliminates the least significant feature(s) until a specified number of features or a desired level of model performance is achieved. The process can be summarized in the following steps:

  1. Initial Model Fit: The algorithm begins by fitting the model on the entire feature set. Model performance metrics such as accuracy, mean squared error, or another relevant metric are recorded.
  2. Feature Importance Ranking



Everton Gomede, PhD
The Modern Scientist

Postdoctoral Fellow Computer Scientist at the University of British Columbia creating innovative algorithms to distill complex data into actionable insights.