Rydberg Toffoli

Brian N. Siegelwax
The Modern Scientist
4 min readFeb 23, 2023



Neutral Atom Logic Gates

This is a companion article to Russ Fein’s article “Quantum Computing with Neutral Atoms.” This article is the fifth in a series of articles reviewing the hands-on usage of publicly-available neutral atom products. This article uses QuEra’s 256-qubit “Aquila” neutral atom quantum computer, which I recommend accessing through the qBraid platform.

QuEra’s “Unit Disk Mapping” tutorial is an interesting read on mapping non-UD graphs as 3-D graphs, and then again as 2-D graphs. And, as interesting as that is at a high level, the implementation of neutral atom logic gates really stood out for me. For this article, I played with a neutral atom AND gate, which I am affectionately designating a “Rydberg Toffoli.” The tutorial also proposes NOT, NXOR, and NOR gates.

Before I proceed, I would be remiss if I didn’t note that non-UD graphs, as two-dimensional arrays, resemble electronic circuitry. I encourage you to click on the link above and take a look at the tutorial; do you agree?


Step one is to arrange the atoms. Note that the atoms cannot actually be arranged as drawn in the featured image of this article. The atom between x1 and y1 actually needs to be a little farther from y1, as shown above, otherwise you may get a y spacing error when you try to run this on…

