Understanding Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks: A Journey Through Time and Memory


Everton Gomede, PhD
The Modern Scientist
4 min readDec 30, 2023


In the fascinating world of artificial intelligence and machine learning, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks stand out as a groundbreaking innovation. Designed to solve the limitations of traditional Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), especially in learning long-term dependencies, LSTMs have revolutionized our ability to model and predict sequences in various domains. This essay delves into the core mechanics of LSTM networks, their unique features, and the applications that have transformed industries.

In the realm of time and memory, LSTM networks stand as vigilant guardians, bridging the gap between the fleeting whispers of the present and the profound echoes of the past.

The Challenge with Sequences

Before understanding LSTMs, it’s crucial to grasp why modeling sequences, like time-series data or language, is challenging. Traditional neural networks, including RNNs, struggle with “long-term dependencies.” In essence, they find it hard to remember and connect information that’s too far apart in a sequence. Imagine trying to understand a novel’s plot but only remembering the last few pages you read — that’s the problem RNNs face with long sequences.



Everton Gomede, PhD
The Modern Scientist

Postdoctoral Fellow Computer Scientist at the University of British Columbia creating innovative algorithms to distill complex data into actionable insights.