Summer Reading: Book Recommendations

Javier Rivero
The Modern Stoa
Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2021

Now that summer is almost done, I wanted to share a couple of interesting books I’ve read in the past few months that met the 3 criteria of a worthy recommendation: 1. Thought-provoking 2. Proposes a new perspective on certain topic and (most importantly) 3. Easy read.

In this case I tried to mix up a little bit to include non-fiction together with some fiction

1. Breath

by James Nestor

Interesting take on how breathing can affect so many of our body variables, although it reads like a bit of pseudo science, when the breathing exercises described in the book are executed one feels immediate relief and a sense of tranquility.

2. Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage

by Alfred Lansing

This journey will stay with me for the rest of my life, the story is both incredible and incomprehensible. It is impossible to fathom the human nature of this crewmen that went through so much trying to cross the Antartic.

3. The Unexpected Guest

by Agatha Christie

Entertaining short story about a crime mystery which takes unexpected twists involving a troubled family. Very clever ending! I’m thrilled to start looking iinto Agatha Christie’s catalogue

4. How to Be a Stoic: Using Ancient Philosophy to Live a Modern Life

by Massimo Pigliucci

Comprehensive guide on basic stoic history and principles, mainly driven by Epictetus’ discourses, the author boils down the main characteristics of the philosophy. If you’ve read anything by the Contemporary Stoics (Seneca, Marcus A, Epictetus) the content won’t be much of a surprise but more of a friendly reminder of all of what Stoicisim encompasses

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