5 Things Organized People Do And Why You Should Too

Vijay Selvaraj
The Modern Wisdom
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2020
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Wonder how successful people always seem to get things done so perfectly? that’s because they organize their life to make it happen. There are many ways to keep things organized I will list few proven ways to get you started.

Willingness to Put Effort into Organizing

This is very important in all, Your commitment to get things organized. If not then you are most likely not do any of the following things. So make sure you start to adopt the following habits instead just reading about organizing.

Write Down Your Mind

Though the mind has larger capacity to store lots of things, sometimes it fails to recall all the things it stored. It’s better to be safe than sorry. With the amount of distractions in the world right now, it is hard to remember and recall things when you need to.

Always have keep ideas, to do list and other important items written. If you want to keep it in cloud then there are multiple free apps to keep note of all your thoughts.

Keep It Labeled

In our lifetime we spend around 5000 hours of searching for things around the home. The reason why libraries keep bookshelves arranged by category is to find things easier. The very reason why you store information is to take it back when needed. If you don’t categorize objects then you will end up wasting lot of time trying to get it back. From the spices in your kitchen to book you read needs to be categorized in order to get them when you need it.

Stop Accumulating

Making efforts to organize things is good, but it’s important to take a step back and fix the root cause of making your life unorganized in the first place. Whether it’s physical or mental, you accumulate a lot of things. From binge-buying Black Friday deals to accumulating lots of unwanted thoughts in brain should be stopped.

You have to think twice before adding new things into your life. Having lots of things in life costing you both money mental stress.

Invest in Quality Organizing Tools

It is easy to store and access things when you have better tools for the job. Whether it is your kitchen equipment of your business idea, a well designed tool is needed to things organized. Don’t go on a buying spree for the tools. It is wise to analyze industry standard tools and get the one which fits your needs and helps you keep things organized.

