The Modern: Submission Guidelines

Daniel Kaniowski
The Modern
Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2020

Are you interested in writing for The Modern? If so check out our submission guidelines below.

About The Modern

The modern is a new Medium publication founded in 2020, aiming to bring together like-minded individuals discussing all the challenges and payoffs of modern life. We aim to focus on the new and emerging challenges posed by our ever-changing society.

What do we publish at The Modern?

We accept stories about:

  • Relationships
  • Self
  • Self-improvement
  • Mental & Physical Health
  • Work Life

Note: We are open to most submissions, so please do not hesitate to submit your work — your story matters!

The basic rules:

  1. We prefer drafts at The Modern. Working with unpublished work allows The Modern Editors to work closer together with our writers, granting us the opportunity to help fine-tune your stories. However, if you have a published story that you believe belongs in The Modern — do not hesitate to submit, but please be aware that we will not accept stories older than two months.
  2. Basic Medium curation guidelines apply.
  3. Please be aware of any grammar and spelling mistakes. Whilst we proofread all stories, we encourage you to do this before submission. The Modern reserves the right to decline curation of articles that are poorly punctuated or have poor stylistic properties (i.e. ensure you have an image, uniform titles and spacing)
  4. Underdeveloped stories stories — i.e. missing key elements of plot or message — will not be accepted. At The Modern, we aim to accept every story and writer, supporting their craft, however we reserve the right to decline curation of articles that do not fit in with Medium curation guidelines.
  5. Articles encouraging hate, violence or harm will be immediately rejected.

If you have anymore questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with The Modern team on our socials — we are more than happy to answer any of your queries and support you as much as we can!



Daniel Kaniowski
The Modern

Writing to help people grow | Owner & Editor of The Modern | Words in The Startup, The Post-Grad Survival Guide & The Creative Cafe