Dreams of Dragons

Nadia Davidson
The Molten Mind Space
2 min readAug 26, 2019


A poem

That Man dreamed of dragons, shows

That our race is older than we know.

The age of Man’s remains we gauge

By following the layers of rock, a way

Down through the soil, and the strata claims

That the Pleistocene — the age of man — just came

When the world was deep, in ice, encased;

And already the dinosaurs had faded

From a planet where the temperature had changed,

And catastrophe upon cataclysm raged.

Then what are these? Tales of fabulous beasts,

Imagined by the mind that conjures demons,

And fashions myths of world-wide deluges,

Long preserved by peoples of disparate cultures,

On both sides of the vast Atlantic Ocean

The land that fell with the rising sea’s motion

Out in the distant west, or east –

Depending on who tells the myth — but each

Believes their culture bringers came from this place,

Where there flourished, a most ancient race.



Nadia Davidson
The Molten Mind Space

My name is Nadia Davidson. I am an artist who enjoys writing about the process of making art, bullet journaling and self improvement www.moltenimaginings.com