Using Precession of the Ages as a Timeline for Future History

Nadia Davidson
The Molten Mind Space
5 min readSep 5, 2019


By studying the precession of the ages, it is possible to devise a future history timeline to be used in fiction writing


The Great Year

It has been shown that many ancient civilizations had knowledge of what they called the “Great Year” or “Long Count Calendar.” This, they discovered though observational astronomy and noticing the almost imperceptible ‘wobble’ of the Earth’s axis as it spins in space. (Hancock, 1998)

This causes the stars in the sky to appear to spin in a great cycle, the pole star shifting with each age. The ancients defined each age by the sign of the zodiac where the sun rose on the spring equinox (or was “housed”). This is called the “Precession of the equinoxes.”

To give some idea of how long this took, each zodiacal age lasted approximately 2100 years and the full extent of the great cycle took an amazing 26,000 years to complete!

We are currently on the cusp of the age of Aquarius. Moving into it from the age of Pisces. Some people claim that this event took place in December 2012, when the Mayan calendar came to an end. (Jenkins, 1998)

It is said, that at this time, there will be a general shift in consciousness towards higher frequencies, as we have entered the ascending half of…



Nadia Davidson
The Molten Mind Space

My name is Nadia Davidson. I am an artist who enjoys writing about the process of making art, bullet journaling and self improvement