Fulfilling Dreams of Parenthood for Cancer Survivors

Erika Robertson
The Mom Experience
Published in
4 min readFeb 23, 2023
Photo by Mauricio Castro: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-man-lifting-his-baby-while-standing-beside-the-woman-in-dress-looking-up-11665146/

Cancer is a disease that affects millions of people around the world. While cancer of any kind can be a devastating diagnosis, medical treatments can help prolong life and even cure the disease. Unfortunately, these treatments can also have long-term effects on fertility, making it difficult or impossible for cancer survivors to conceive a child naturally. Fortunately, there are options available to cancer survivors to pursue their dreams of parenthood. Gestational surrogacy is one popular option, thanks to in vitro fertilization (IVF) through sperm or egg donation.

The Negative Impact of Cancer on Fertility

Cancer can have a negative impact on fertility in both men and women. In men, cancer treatment, including radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery, can damage the reproductive organs, leading to low sperm count and decreased sperm motility. Cancer treatments in women can cause ovarian damage, interfere with ovulation, and disrupt the menstrual cycle. Cancer can also lead to infertility due to hormone imbalances and other issues.

Surrogacy and Infertility

Cancer survivors who wish to become parents may want to explore surrogacy. Surrogacy is a process in which a woman (the surrogate) carries an embryo created with the intended parents (or donated) eggs and sperm. IVF is the process in which the eggs and sperm are combined in a laboratory setting and then implanted into the carrier’s uterus.

A surrogate pregnancy can be a beautiful way for cancer survivors to become parents and experience the joy of parenthood. It allows couples unable to conceive due to medical treatments or fertility issues an alternative route to having a child. By having a surrogate carry the baby, the parents-to-be can still have an active role in their baby’s prenatal care and eventual birth. In addition, when the cancer survivor is a woman, this arrangement eliminates any potential physical stress since she does not need to go through labor and delivery, thus allowing her body time for recovery.

Photo by Kampus Production: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-man-in-yellow-shirt-sitting-near-the-woman-in-floral-dress-while-carrying-their-baby-7919612/

Traditional vs. Gestational Surrogacy

In the United States, surrogacy is both safe and legal. Typically, there are two forms of surrogacy, traditional and gestational. Traditional surrogacy is when a surrogate mother carries her own genetic child for an intended parent or couple. A traditional surrogate is frequently a female relative (such as a sister or cousin) with a genetic connection to the couple. With gestational surrogacy, the embryos supplied by the intended parents are implanted in a surrogate who has no genetic relationship with the couple or child.

Is Surrogacy Legal?

In most states, entering a legally binding contract between parties involved in a surrogacy arrangement is possible. It’s important to work with a lawyer experienced with surrogacy contracts to ensure that all state laws are followed and that the surrogate mother is compensated for her time and effort. Taking these extra steps helps to ensure everyone involved has an enjoyable experience with the best possible outcome. Working with an experienced and reputable surrogacy agency is ideal as state laws vary widely on how they address issues such as parental rights of surrogate mothers, payment of expenses associated with pregnancy and birth, health insurance coverage for expectant mothers, and more.

How to Find the Best Surrogate?

When pursuing surrogacy as an option for having a child, finding a qualified surrogate is an essential part of the process. For those couples looking to fulfill their dreams of parenthood through surrogacy, it’s essential to do your research and find a qualified surrogate agency that can guide you through this journey. Reputable agencies specializing in surrogacy will usually have pre-screened candidates available and provide assistance throughout the process.

Health and Wellness Benefits of Surrogacy

There are both physical health and emotional wellness benefits to using surrogacy as a way for cancer survivors to create a family. From a physical health standpoint, surrogacy allows cancer survivors to become parents despite fertility issues caused by their diagnosis and treatments. Additionally, choosing parenthood has numerous emotional wellness benefits for cancer survivors, including increasing a sense of hope, connection, and life purpose.

For cancer survivors who wish to become parents, using gestational surrogacy, along with egg donation or sperm donation, is a life-affirming option for creating a family. For those wanting to fulfill their dreams of parenthood, cancer survivors should not hesitate to explore surrogacy and the many benefits it brings.



Erika Robertson
The Mom Experience

Creative writer/artist. Advocate for children & family mental health & wellness. Background in fashion & costume design. Does public art & doodles too!