How To Be Better Parent (Part 1)

The number one challenge we experience or often question ourselves as a parent is are we doing a good job?

The Mom Experience
4 min readJul 26, 2021


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The number one challenge we experience or often question ourselves as a parent is are we doing a good job? are we doing the best that we can to provide and guide our kids? What else could I do? Well despite millions and millions of questions that will be popping around our heads, I reckon the most prominent questions we often face is how can we strike a balance in being the firm and strict parent in setting some ground rules in discipline and being loving, nice, and empathic.

Well, we all have to agree that striking a balance is really not that easy, but what we can Do is never say never! We should always be open mind and constantly learning not only from our peers or past experience but we should also learn from our kids too!

Learning with an open mindset

Granted that we as parents would definitely have the knowledge and knowing what's best for our kids, however, we should also take this opportunity that we have by learning what's the best possible approach that we could use when we are interacting with our kids, which could be learned by speaking with other parents from their experience and learn sincerely with an open mindset rather than a prejudice so we are able to adapt and understand that the method we had in mind may be right and it may reach the ultimate goal that you wish for your child, however, the question is this Will this be the BEST approach that you could have taken with your kids? Bear in mind that what we do will always impact our kids heavily especially in their early childhood that could develop different types of behavior, character, family culture, or emotion that we could potentially create.

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Lead By Example

I bet we have heard many sayings that our kids are the exact mirror of ourselves as kids observe and learn from us more than we could ever notice. For example, if you have been wanting your kids to eat their greens, however, we as adults haven't been eating many greens but mainly eating out restaurants and fast foods, we should hardly expect our kids to love their greens when they are constantly exposed to such different food habits. We should learn how to interact with our kids and communicate in an approachable tone while keeping an open mind for kids to learn and understanding where their interest is and developing their fullest potential with the best of our availability.

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Love & Care

Of course, providing unconditional love and care to our kids, show recognition of what he/she did for being a blessing in our life. Look through the bad and appreciate the good. Having such love creates an unbreaking bond for the kids even when they grew up they will still remember always what you did for them and the happy moments, eventually they will always remember the good things you did for them and the goodwill always outweigh the bad and the most important of all, from this experience the kids will always know that they can come to us if they face any problems no matter what happens.

There you have it guys this is part one of “how to be a better parent” and do Stay toon for Part 2! and 100% appreciate you for reading up till here and I would love to share with you more about parenting journey and my childhood experience as a child, so do hit a follow and clap if you like to see more related article of the parenting journey check out my recent stories here.



The Mom Experience

Simple, Easy Parenting and kids behaviour articles for sharing.