Ways to Get Connected and Bond with Your Kids

The Mom Experience
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2021
Image by Wire Stock, License by FreePik

Yes, now is the best time to leverage this moment to create the exact environment and get connected with our kids and bond with them if we find ourselves getting more and more distance from them.

Granted that working from home might be more hectic for some as you would need to juggle between house chores/ online meetings and attending to kids, hence it may get frustrating at times. However, there is always 2 side of the coin where things can be view positively such as making full use of such time with better time management we could pull our kids closer together with a certain activity or new culture in place.

Family Weekly moment.

Yes! by creating such family moments you are able to re-interact with the kids with the environment setting that you choose in such as a weekly family night out just as simple as a weekly date night just that it more family orientated so that we can create a common goal and conversation starter to better connect with the kids while being open by how much they have grown and level of perspective thinking and depths of a certain situation.

Looking back by having a weekly affair more often creates excitement towards that day such as a weekly day out with the family on a picnic, outdoor attraction, or even a weekly movie that kids and everyone could enjoy.

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What to do at home?

Given the current situation of covid we have to understand that we are encouraged to stay indoor, hence there might be loads of things to do or it might not for some but it all depends on what we as a parent could think out of the box for your kids so to ensure our objective being met.

  • Cooking — we could always have a family cook-off with the favorite ingredient or dishes that kids love, this way we are able to spark interest in the kids to do the activity together as a family and it could be as simple as helping out on chopping the ingredient or baking that simple chocolate cupcake.
  • We could also clear out the storage area that holds lots of old photos that we could bring that reminiscence nostalgic feeling out of the family to cultivate that interest to spend more time together which brings a higher success chance for kids to spend more with parents after packing up the old photo and move to other activity as a family especially with older kids in the family
Image by TiraChardz, Licensed by FreePik

Digital and board games.

Yes, such games activity releases stress and take things off the head to relax, from such a relaxing environment kids and family are able to just have fun and get connected with kids as naturally as possible. Parents should encourage this activity as gaming is going to be the next big thing for the future generation hence by treating/viewing it as a positive bonding activity could bring value to the family as a whole rather than rejecting it.

There you have it guys, thanks for reading up till here and I would love to share with you more about parenting journey and my childhood experience as a child, so do hit a follow and clap if you like to see more related article of the parenting journey check out my recent stories here.



The Mom Experience

Simple, Easy Parenting and kids behaviour articles for sharing.