Who's Going to Hold Me Accountable? You?

I can’t keep hiding away in my oversized clothes

Irene Moore
The Mom Experience
2 min readSep 7, 2021


Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

If I don’t put it out there, I’ll just keep hiding away in my sweaters and oversized clothing, hoping no one notices.

I had a baby…20 months ago…I never lost the weight…I kept gaining after the baby was born.

Our journey was difficult. My baby was premature. We didn’t have a support system. There were lots and lots of hospital visits. I ate my feelings away. It got worse as time went on. Postpartum depression hit me like a speeding train. It kept getting worse.

I’ve spent the last two years getting my son back to health, and he is finally there. I’ve also spent the last six or so months getting myself back to good health, mental health, that is. And I am finally there.

So, now it’s time I lose the 40+ pounds I put on.

I don’t want to make this a thing about how I look. I’m more interested right now in getting my outside to match how I feel on the inside. This weight represents all the pain and hardship we have had to endure as a family. I hate carrying that reminder around all day long. It’s getting evicted and I’m the landlord.

So, I’m asking you to hold me accountable. I will post weekly updates and let you know how it is going. If you notice I miss one of those updates, call me out. It’s my first time attempting to have boundaries with food and physical activity in years and I’m nervous.

Here’s to not giving up and fighting my way back to even more health.



Irene Moore
The Mom Experience

Wife | Proud Preemie Mama | Feminist | Ex-journalist | MSc in International Relations