Building Momentum and Community: Our Grassroots Investment Strategy

Raven Hollins
The Moment by Pete for America
3 min readOct 17, 2019

What does it mean to invest in a campaign?

It’s a question our grassroots team asks every day. Our first goal is always to amplify Pete and his vision for the future. And so far we’ve done a great job with over 30,000 people attending a grassroots event since April and 40% percent being first-time donors.

But this wouldn’t be a Pete Buttigieg campaign if we didn’t bring it home too. That’s why we’re also dedicated to amplifying the power of communities we visit and connecting them into a national network of change.

It is my goal to make every moment of a grassroots event feel like a personification of our Rules of the Road. While all the rules act as guidelines for each decision of every event, I’ve found that “belonging” is the North star. Our aim is to never overshadow the culture of the communities we visit but instead celebrate what makes each community exceptional — weaving those unique cultures into the national tapestry of our Pete for America community.

And it’s working. The energy and growing crowds at these events makes them some of the most powerful moments of the campaign. Like in Louisville, KY where we had a several-hundred person overflow crowd. Or in Sacramento, our biggest event to date, which totaled nearly 3000 people.

People have a reason to be excited, because our events are bold. We’ve had a DACA recipient onstage with Pete to share her American story. We welcomed striking union bus drivers to meet privately with Pete and then enter the main event to resounding applause from the rest of the crowd. We’ve heard the story of a woman who had never been politically active and through Pete’s book became one of our most engaged supporters and donors. He’s been endorsed by top mayors and U.S. congressional officials at our events, and shared the stage with local activists from Black Trans women to student ambassadors for March for Our Lives.

This is all to say that this grassroots program is about the people who power the cities we visit. Those are the voices who shape our policies, our campaign, and will guide the Buttigieg administration. I want every person who enters a Pete for America grassroots space to feel with absoluteness that they belong and are seen not just by Pete, but our entire team, including our volunteers.

As we continue to bolster our organizing efforts, we’re also transforming our grassroots moment into a movement. Dollars build infrastructure but true power lies with the people, and we don’t deserve to win without being absolutely inclusive when expanding the reach of the Mayor’s message.

I grew up in a town smaller than South Bend (#shoutout Longview, TX!). After a few changed majors, and a three year stint in corporate finance, I found my truth in organizing. I found myself wondering what it could mean to invest in a campaign.

At Pete for America, it means joining a national network of people ready to add their voice to a powerful, resounding horn calling for a different America. A new America where we all belong, choose boldness over idleness, and are ready to have a little joy along the way. I hope we have your support. And the next time we’re in town, please join us.



Raven Hollins
The Moment by Pete for America

Empowering every investor + connecting communities + building a network of change. Grassroots Investment Manager for #TeamPete