Letters to Pete: “My party has absolutely let me down.”

By Sean J., MD

Team Pete
The Moment by Pete for America
3 min readJan 25, 2020


Every day, Pete Buttigieg receives letters from Americans who believe we need a new approach to solve our nation’s biggest challenges. This is one of them. The following letter is transcribed as it was received on December 30, 2019.

I’d love to donate to this campaign every day and in much larger amounts than I have. Believe me when I tell you that I’m giving as much as I can. This is the first time in the 30 years as a registered voter I’ve contributed to ANY campaign…

And I do it because of the urgency of the moment. I don’t want to go through another 4 years of wondering “how in the world did this happen?”

I heard Pete giving an address on C-SPAN last night (somewhere in Iowa I think?) And no sooner had I turned on the radio did Pete say something I have written on my blog with absolute sincerity “it’s not love of country if your leadership convinces one half of the country to see the other half as its enemy.”

Pete is by far, the most inspirational leader I’ve seen in my lifetime, which includes President Obama, Clinton and Reagan. I’ve been a supporter of every American president throughout my adult life with the exception of DJT. While I saw he amazing charisma of Obama, Clinton and Reagan, Pete speaks to me directly as if we have known each other for decades. No other politician has ever so perfectly captured the values and views of me and my generation at such a crucial time.

I will continue to contribute as much and as often as I can, because I am convinced that Pete is the very best hope for this country. His overwhelming decency combined with the sharpest wit and intellect makes him uniquely suited to mending this badly fractured electorate.

Pete, you have my vote. I am one of what you have described as “a future former republican,” and I’m all in on the Pete for America team.

I’m hoping that you will make your way through Maryland at some point so I can personally shake your hand and tell you face to face how much you have restored my hope after 3 years of such the opposite from the Trump White House.

You are THE guy to get this done. Stay the course. My party has absolutely let me down and I am ashamed of their blind fealty to the sitting President… but I refuse to sink with them. I am overflowing with pride to be a Republican voter in full support of a Democratic and openly gay candidate for President of the United States. Your family perfectly exemplifies the American family value that Republicans have claimed to care about for so many years.

You make me proud to be your fellow American, Pete.

Very sincerely,

Sean J.

Pete is building a coalition of progressives, Independents, and future-former Republicans to end the era of Donald Trump and launch the era that must come next. Get involved to join our movement.



Team Pete
The Moment by Pete for America

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