Make Money By Converting Yourself Into An AI Video Presenter

Rudy Triana
The Monetizer
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2022

In August of 2019, I had written how the future of advertising would change dramatically, where photorealistic 3D-generated characters would seamlessly blend in to advertisements, with the possibility nobody would even notice.

I thought to myself, if 3D-generated models are being used for advertising, could they some day help people make money from home?

Enter 2022: You can now convert yourself into a “3D Video Presenter” through Hour One’s AI video self-serve platform.

Make Money as an AI Video Presenter via

Why AI? Imagine the amount of work it takes video presents to dress in different outfits, record themselves in front of a camera for each and every sponsor or advertisement they create for their customers on Fiverr, spending hours having to read scripted content and begin the same process again and again.

With Hour One’s AI platform, you can take text and data assets, turn them into an engaging narrative, delivered by a friendly AI version (of yourself).

The best part? You can make money endlessly.

Since there’s an AI version of yourself created, you can then be paid to become a presenter for various uses such as:

  • E-Learning
  • Real Estate Presentations
  • Human Resource Videos
  • Language Learning
  • E-Commerce Product Presentations
  • Financial Report Videos
  • How-To-Videos
  • and more. It’s endless!

“Hour One’s main focus is to build our service for worlds of labor, a B2B model, self-service, and the idea is that companies will be the customers and they will use our product for building theirs” — Oren Aharon, CEO and co-founder of Hour One.

Curious to know what it looks behind-the-scenes in creating a digital version of yourself? YouTube creator Taryn Southern gives us a preview of what her experience was like:

“Making an AI Clone of Myself” CreditL: Taryn Southern | YouTube

For Hour One AI to create a digital version of Taryn:

  • Hour One filmed 10 minutes of her reading scripts and conveying several facial expressions so that they can use this data to create endless recreations of her “digital self”.
  • The footage was then uploaded to the cloud via One Hour GAN’s Technology.
  • After that, AI Version of herself is fully rendered and can be applied into any environment.
  • There’s truly no need to gather a crew, studio or shoot in a studio. These can be done remotely.

How To Apply:

To apply and become a character on Hour One’s platform, you can apply here.

Note: You may receive a prompt that reads: “We are currently dealing with a high volume of submissions, and have you on our waitlist. We appreciate your interest and your patience. We hope to be in touch soon.”

It’s a one-of-a-kind platform, but applying now is key if you’re interested in making money as an AI video presenter. Just another way to make passive income and best of all, your AI clone is created once and can generate income forever.



Rudy Triana
The Monetizer

Financial Expert & Tech Writer for The Monetizer