Earth 2 Is a Virtual Earth and It Is Going Viral — What You Need to Know

Is Earth 2 the next Bitcoin?

Walid AO
The Money Plot
Published in
5 min readJan 15, 2021


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Maybe you have heard of it already, and maybe the hype wave has not yet reached you. However, Earth 2 is currently going viral on all social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Youtube, and Reddit).

Earth 2 is a 1:1 virtual version of our earth. This virtual earth is split into 5.1 trillion land tiles (10m X 10m), classified into three classes.

You can own a virtual land on Earth 2 exactly as you can own a real land on our earth. And if you can own land, you can also buy land from other users and sell your land to other users. The developers announced that shortly each land could be deeply customizable as well. According to the developer:

The vision of Earth 2 is to create a global digital representation of our earth, a place where people can build, abide, trade, live, experience, interact and so much more. The vision is long term and monumental and we feel the introduction of Earth 2 represents the birth of the world’s virtual timeline.

