Internet and Money

How to Start Making Money Online — With Examples

What you learn from TikTok & YouTube can be used to make money online

The Money Plot
Published in
6 min readFeb 25, 2023


Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

I know what you are thinking. Here goes another article about how to make money online — It is getting boring, and you are right.

Why am I writing this story?! Because the examples I’ll be presenting worked for people in my close circle and me. And it was easier than you think.

There is one crucial question we need to answer first. Why would people pay us money online?

The answer is value. People would pay us money if they noticed they could get something valuable from whatever we offer.

People are willing to pay for three valuable items online:

  1. People will pay for services
  2. People will buy products
  3. People will give their attention

However we want to start making money online, we must understand an important point. The journey is not easy, and there is nothing that is easy money. If you want to start making money online, I have one piece of advice for you:

Focus and see it through

