My Best Personal Finance Tool: Step by Step Guide to Building Your Own Expense Tracking Tool

The download link is also available — Tracking expenses is the first step in healthy finance management.

Walid AO
Published in
7 min readJul 30, 2022


Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Who here lives paycheck to paycheck? A recent article published by CNBC shows that 58% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, with some even earning &250,000 or more.

Tracking expenses is essential to be able to save money and maintain a budget. It will help you gain awareness about your spending habits, and therefore, it will support you in optimizing your spending. In this story, I'll explain how I built my expense tracking tool, which I've been using since 2016 — and I love it. Oh, and at the end, I'll also post a link to download my tool.

Budgeting allows you to allocate each dollar of your money to a specific goal. Budgeting will enable you to grow an emergency fund, pay back your credit cards or debts, save for your house downpayment, and many more.

I decided to build my own tool instead of using one of those commercial apps available on the app store. These apps are not for free and are not tailored specifically for my needs and my situation — The apps can also only be updated if the developer decides an update is needed. In my own…

