Top 7 Online Businesses That Could Make You Rich in 2022

Sasha Ortiz
The Money Plot
9 min readAug 29, 2021


Are you looking for the best online business for making a huge amount of profits in 2022? Then you have landed in the right place, my fellas. The pandemic of 2020/2021 changed many people’s lives and made them think about the future. As most people know that money plays a vital role in our daily life. There are lots and lots of ways to become rich and reap more income online. But choosing the right path will lead you to success and helps to earn the best name in society.

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I hope you might already have witnessed that everything is digitalized and going online. Even the education is going through online classes due to pandemic. Besides, the products you buy, the information you consume, etc. Nowadays, many of us spend more time in front of screens rather than spending time outdoors. When everything is going through online, if you are not following it, then you are missing a big opportunity.

If you are a person willing to start a flourishing online business. Then you need to figure out which business model will work perfectly for you. Currently, there are many online business opportunities available for startups. But finding the best business model is kind of a tedious task. So to reduce your burden, I have come up with the top 7 online business opportunities that will help you to generate a lucrative income.

This article is completely dedicated to the people who are interested to start the best online business in 2022.

Now, let’s dive in…

Best 7 Profitable Online businesses in 2022

Generally, online businesses help to generate money quickly and give lots of opportunities for the owners to promote their brand. By promoting their brand, they can be popular soon and can grab a more targeted audience from all parts of the world. It can be done only by starting an online business. The secret key factor of becoming a successful entrepreneur by starting an online business is, you need to have a long-term vision. Besides, if you want to earn more money through starting an online business. Then you need to invest some of your precious time, money, and you need to have some managing skills.

Ok now, let me share the best and amazing online businesses that could make you earn an enormous amount of profits in 2022.

  1. Consulting services
  2. Start a chatbot agency
  3. Start a Cryptocurrency Exchange Business
  4. Become an Expert developer
  5. Build an eCommerce store
  6. Become an Affiliate marketer
  7. Food Tech Sector

Let us see these online business opportunities in detail

Consulting Services

If you have tons of knowledge in the specific field, then it would help you to reach a highly paid online consultant. We know that every sector has a consulting service for providing the correct solutions and by providing them, the consulting service providers will earn a good amount of money easily. As a consultant, you need to apply the knowledge, skills, and experience you have in a specific field and help your customers in solving a problem they have in that field. So there is a high demand for consulting services for a particular field. Currently, there are many consulting services available in each sector. Such as healthcare consultancy, SEO consultancy, social media consultancy, blockchain consultancy, crypto consultancy, etc.

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If you are starting an online consultation service, then it can be a fantastic way to make money in your business. When you are offering consultations, you need some tools. such as an email, messenger service, calendar for organizing schedules, video calling software, communication tools, and a payment system. Some pro tips will take your consulting business to the next level. Such as Fill in pressing knowledge gaps, Provide results, Offer flexible payment structures, Gather client feedback, and keep updating your skills. As long as people are reaching your consultation, your business is going to grow.

Start a Chatbot Agency

In recent times, we can see a great rise in chatbots. When you reach any new website or a development company website, automatically a chat will pop-up at bottom of your window. It is nothing but a chatbot. It will send a pre-programmed message to the visitors once the user reaches the website. The chatbot will reply to all the messages at the same time. If you ask people what do they miss the most in this competitive world — Most of them would say that they lack response. Yes, in this digital world, people forget to respond to others. It continues even in the customer engagement and customer maintenance units.

(Image source — Chatbot magazine)

A single customer care team cannot answer 100 calls or respond to messages. Here comes the usage of chatbots. This chatbot will reply to all the customer’s queries and messages in a programmed fashion. That’s why chatbots are introduced in the market and it is beneficial for many growing sectors. By seeing the beneficial factors of the chatbot, many people started to use a chatbot for their business growth. So, this is one of the best online businesses where you can kickstart your chatbot agency and help many companies to answer their clientele queries in a short. By offering his service, you can generate a good amount of revenue.

Start a Cryptocurrency Exchange Business

Many people are already aware of cryptocurrency and crypto exchange. If you aren’t aware of these two terms, then let’s have a small overview of them. Cryptocurrency is a virtual digital asset which is also known as cryptographic money or digital currency. It is built on a separate blockchain network and advanced functionalities. Blockchain is the distributed ledger technology that acts as a security to protect digital data effectively. Blockchain came into the digital world by 2008 and it gained huge attraction among many startups and entrepreneurs because of its security gestures and its interoperable features. Blockchain can be used in various industries and it can handle huge operations in a complex way.

(Image source — Coin Geek)

So, what is a crypto exchange?. Crypto exchange is a trading platform where people can buy, sell, or exchange virtual digital currencies like bitcoin, ethereum, ripple, EOS, etc in a secure way. The exchange has multiple trading options for users to gain more user-base and to succeed in a crypto marketplace. If you want to become rich, then starting the cryptocurrency exchange business will be the best idea. It is one of the best lucrative business models in the competitive world.

Many people already launched their own crypto exchange by using the premium cryptocurrency exchange clone software. If you launch a crypto exchange, then you can conduct crypto trades and earn profits in many possible ways. Such as trading fees, withdrawal fees, deposit fees, listing fees, advertisements, etc. now, you may ask — how to start a crypto exchange business?. Just you need to connect with the professional and genuine cryptocurrency exchange clone script provider in the global marketplace. So, that you can create a secure, bug-free, and feature-rich crypto trading platform at affordable rates. After launching your exchange, you can make a lucrative amount of money in a short time.

Become an Expert Developer

In this digital era, there is a huge demand for developers. You know why? Because to develop a digital product or any kind of software product, there is a need for an experienced developer. Besides, every big organization, development companies, startups, and service providers will have a team of developers for developing and delivering the project. By seeing these, we can see the importance of developers’ role in the marketplace. If you are a techie knowledge person and have an interest in learning new programming languages. Then you can become a developer. There are many types of roles on the developer’s side. Such as website developer, android app developer, IOS app developer, software developer, etc.

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You need to decide whether you are going to be a website developer, app developer, or whatever’s your choice. On my choice, you can become either a website developer or a mobile app developer. Because these both developers have a great demand in all parts of the world. If you want to become a web developer, then you need to learn how to code. Being a Web developer, you can earn decent money and you can start a company by offering web development service. If you want to become a mobile app developer, then you need to learn how to code for developing either an Android app or an IOS app. Being an android app or IOS app developer, you can make more money in a hassle-free manner.

Build an eCommerce store

In this digital world, anyone can buy and sell goods from anywhere with the help of an e-commerce site. It grabbed a separate audience and made people buy their desired product easily and securely. There is no doubt that starting an eCommerce site is also a lucrative business avenue. Some experts are believing that by the end of 2022, eCommerce sales will be around $4.9 trillion. In the USA, roughly 10 percent of all sales will occur online and it is expected to rise exponentially in the future.

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Generally, most people prefer e-commerce sites for buying things. So creating an e-commerce site will be beneficial. But It requires hard work, you need to do some research, and you need to stand unique among the thousands of e-commerce websites in the global marketplace. But by implementing the right marketing techniques, you can make your e-commerce store a lucrative business.

Become an Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest business models to make money on online platforms. Affiliate marketing means earning commission and reaping some amount by referring products to your targeted audience. If your targeted audience buys the product that you have referred to. Then you will receive a commission from the product owner or the provider. The best thing about affiliate marketing is, there is no need to develop any products. Apart from this, you don’t need to offer any customer support.

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Affiliate marketers can promote any brand or any product as per the wish. There is no limit. when it comes to earning, affiliate marketers can earn lots of money on a commission basis. Many affiliate marketers are earning more than 6 digits per year through affiliate marketing. Some of them are pat Flynn, john chow, and Darren Rowse. So, becoming an online affiliate marketer can be a good way to make a passive income daily.

Food Tech Sector

Everyone knows that food plays an important role in our daily life and no one can live without food. It is the successful key factor in the food tech industry. Food tech is also a big sector which is making more profits by making orders online and delivering them to their respective home.

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The only thing that you should consider is what type of food you want to start your business with. Else, you can start an online business in the food tech like Uber eats, Zomato, or Swiggy. Digitalizing food is one of the new trends in the food industry. You have to follow the unique strategy with a different tint to attract a huge audience and make your business profitable.

Closing Words

These are the best profit-inducing online business that helps you to generate passive income in 2022. In this money-based world, Ideas and opportunities are often overrated. But the execution of these ideas really matters. As previously said, you need to invest time, some money & effort in executing these ideas. Besides, you must do some market research and deep analysis before leaping into any online business.



Sasha Ortiz
The Money Plot

International team of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency consultants & specialists will be able to advise you on various topics of virtual currencies.