How to create your own money making products that can sell so well on Amazon

Steve Kayode
The Moneypreneur
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2024

Creating products that have soaring demand is not the exclusive of top marketers

Coloring image made from ChatGPT prompts

Gone are the days...when someone will tell you that it takes you to become a guru with much experience to create products that sell well

Don't get me wrong

Am not saying experience does not matter in this business...

But the point am making is...with as little experience you have as an online marketer...

You can become a product vendor


It is not rocket science

With AI... artificial intelligence,you can churn out tons of digital products that people will buy in just few hours

Many thanks to the genius AI chatbot.. ChatGPT

It is amazing, that you can in the next hour or two...create products that are in demand on top online marketplace like Amazon or Etsy

You can take this further by selling it as a service of freelancers sites like Fiverr

Do you know that e books are in high demand on Amazon and Etsy?

Especially...coloring books

Yes friends...if you can create in demand coloring books,you can make any amount of money you have wanted online

Here is how to go about it:

#1.Go to ChatGPT...sign up and start chatting with this intelligent AI tool

#2. Put some prompts to tell this AI chatbot to give you any amount of prompts you can use to create coloring images

#3. Go to another AI art creator tool and take each if the prompt given by ChatGPT and ...there you have it...coloring images you can sell

#4. Download these coloring images and put them into a Google doc or word cover for your coloring books and that's it

#5. Sign up for Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and you publish your coloring book on Amazon

#6. Wait for the sales avalanche and cool money too

But the real deal here how do you get the right prompts that can create coloring images?

Not to worry...

I got you covered

I have an offer where I have put together lots and lots of coloring images prompts you can use on ChatGPT so you create lots of coloring images...then make books out of them

See that link below ...

Click and get access to these AI coloring images prompts at ridiculous low prices

Don’t miss out on this chance to own your products and make good money out of them.



Steve Kayode
The Moneypreneur

Steve is a digital and information marketer whose passion is to help people discover ways to make money online.