A petition for London independence signed by more than 35000 after Brexit vote

Zeyad Salem
The Monocle
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2016

A petition calling Mayor Sadiq Khan to declare London independent from the United Kingdom and apply to join the European Union has gathered more than 35 000 signatures in seven hours.

London is the only city in England who voted against Brexit

“ Let’s face it — the rest of the country disagrees. So rather than passive aggressively vote against each other at every election, let’s make the divorce official and move in with our friends on the continent.” Said James O’Malley who started the petition after the UK voted earlier today to leave the European Union.

The petition on Change.org is gaining popularity among Londoners

The number of people signing the petition has been on the rise and it is expected to reach its goal of 50 000 signatures within the coming few hours.

London is the only city in England who voted remain in the EU referendum.

Many users has been circulating the petition on social media under the hashtag #londependence

Meanwhile, an event under the name London Stays on Facebook,calling for a meeting at Traflgar square on June,28 has made it clear that it is not a call for London to become an independent state.

The petition comes as the Scottish prime minister saying that a second independence referendum for Scotland is likely to take place.

London, Scotland and Northern Ireland are the only areas who voted for the UK to remain in the EU.



Zeyad Salem
The Monocle

A Multimedia Producer with a work record in Egypt, Germany, Greece and the UK. MA Multimedia Journalism — University of Westminster.