5 Amazing Fall Foods You Need To Try This Fall

Mia Kartchner
The Montessori Insider
3 min readOct 15, 2019

By Vayda Worden, Mia Kartchner, Danielle Gallagher

What’s your favorite food to eat during the fall? Do you have a food you make in fall? Does someone else make something you love to eat during fall? I don’t know what it is about fall, maybe the smells, the cold crisp air, or just being with your family? Well I’m going to tell you the Five Best Fall Foods you need to try this fall, so grab your cozy socks, some apple cider, and relax because it’s about to get juicy.

#1 Caramel apples. Caramel apples scream fall do they not? Caramel apples, I think, are one of the most Iconic fall food ever since the beginning of time. Their easy to make and are delicious! If you never had a caramel apple, then this is the year you need to try one.

#2 Pumpkin pie. If pumpkin pie is not one of your favorite fall foods, then your crazy. I love it when I make pumpkin pie. I love how it makes my nose smell. When you take the first bite of the pie there is like a switch flipped and you know it’s fall. Pumpkin pie has been around for hundreds of years, so you have to have eaten it before. You can buy it or take it into your own hands and bake it from scratch. Pumpkin pie is rated five stars on the all recipes website. It’s a tradition in the season of tall to enjoy this sweet. You can make it with whipped cream, chocolate, nuts, anything. It’s totally adaptable to your taste buds. Fiber, Potassium, calcium, iron, vitamin c, and vitamin b are very rich in this desert. It is a necessary food to try this fall if you haven’t already.

#3 Candied yams. If you haven’t ever eaten this desert, then you need to eat it this fall. I eat this all the time every year. It’s mashed yams baking with marshmallows on top. It’s rated a four and a half and is worth it to make. It;s really easy to make as well, but taste as if loads of effort was put into it. Candied yams can be gluten free, and made with different spices. It is a classic for a family dinner in Autumn. They have good sources of fiber, vitamin c, potassium, and manganese. You should try these candied yams whenever you have the chance this season.

#4 Overnight breakfast pots. Overnight breakfast pots are basically oatmeal or yogurt in a jar with fruit and toppings to enjoy at breakfast. You can top these jars with blueberries, strawberries, pumpkin, almonds, and apple cinnamon. It is a good quick meal if your in a hurry in the morning, and also delicious, and incredibly healthy.

#5 The classic Turkey. Turkey is pretty much a food popular in family fall dinners. It’s big enough for the whole family and juicy, sweet, goodness! It is a real tradition with thousand of families to enjoy a roasted turkey in the season of fall. You can just buy them at the store, roast it with spice is the oven, and enjoy it this Autumn. You have to have had a turkey before. They are often eaten in a whole dinner with most of these foods we’ve talked about in this article. You have to be dedicated to eat at least one of these foods this year because they are delicious, healthy, and just worth all the time to prepare!

