Bus Crash in India Kills 27

Cierra Sullivan
The Montessori Insider
2 min readApr 12, 2018

Monday April 9, a school bus in Kangra Valley, India drove straight off of a cliff. The 200 ft. dive killed 23 children under 14, and four adults. Ten other children are currently hospitalized.

While the cause of the crash is still being investigated, we do know that car and bus crashes are quite common in India. Whether it’s the un-maintained roads, poor driving, or lack of guardrails, the cause is still unknown and has yet to be taken care of. Survivor of the traumatic event Ranveer Singh, 10, told his local news Hindustan Times, “I heard a loud bang and (the) bus started rolling.” He and another student were able to escape the vehicle before it hit the ground when a window near them broke and they were thrown out.

A mass funeral was held Monday night for the children. Families were seen placing wreaths on their children while saying goodbye. Many lost more than one child. Surakasha Devi lost four of her grandchildren in the tragic accident.

Mourners gathered around to grieve and witness families heartbreaking last moments with their children. “What wrongs have these children done?” one witness asked.

This is still a developing story and more information on the subject will be released as soon as possible.

