How Teachers Can Deal with Student Trauma

Arinda Franco
The Montessori Insider
2 min readOct 26, 2017


More than half of the United States children have experienced trauma (abuse, neglect, violence, and challenging households or circumstances). Also, 35% of children have experienced more than one type of trauma. People affected by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have higher risks of alcoholism, liver disease, suicidal thoughts, and other health problems. “It seems like teachers in some ways became case workers. They get to know about their students lives and the needs of their families.” To help students adapt better to the classroom environment always try to be there for them.

Also, recognize that a child is going into survival mode and respond in a kind compassionate way. Remember to praise publicly and criticize privately. Ease transitions because this can be hard on them, it often affects relationships and interactions outside of school. To help with this, provide structure and consistency. Another option is to incorporate downtime.

One way to see how they deal with specific traumas is to see how routines work and how they deal with a change. Developing strengths and interests can affect the student in a good way. Once they say their interests, look for opportunities that can help them become successful in life. Stay in focus and always look forward to what may happen and be prepared.

Many teachers think students are affected by the bad behavior of others but truth is they don’t try to push your buttons. They try to not associate anything with violence; stay calm and use words that will assure the student that you are there to help.

