Jaguar Launches Fleet of New Self-Driving Cars

Alexander Frederick
The Montessori Insider
1 min readMar 30, 2018

On March 27th, the Jaguar unveiled a newfound partnership with Waymo (google’s autonomous vehicle division) to create a line of self driving cars. These cars will be tested on public roads this year and will have 20,000 self driving Jaguar Sport Utility Vehicle's or SUV’s as a part of Waymo’s personal fleet of self driving vehicles. However, the launch of this comes only a week after the fatal crash after an Uber self driving car killed a 49 year old woman in the state of Arizona.

Waymo has also committed themselves to having a self driving taxi service released in Phoenix, Arizona without a human safety driver by the end of 2018. Waymo’s new partnership with Jaguar has sparked a movement across the Atlantic, inspiring self driving cars to be made active in Europe.

CEO of Waymo Krafcik was non-specific when he was asked how many more cities he would like to spread this service to in the future; he replied with “more.”

Waymo’s partnership with Jaguar and other companies such as Chrysler has sparked a race to making public fleets of vehicles.

