Student Spotlight: Caden Sullivan

Cierra Sullivan
The Montessori Insider
2 min readFeb 7, 2018
Caden cheesing for the camera :D

Caden Sullivan, 11, is a sixth grader that attends Jefferson Montessori Academy. He has gone to this school since he was in kindergarten and now is enjoying the secondary program. P.E. is Sullivan’s favorite subject because he gets to move around and he finds it more fun than the other classes. He looks up to P.E. teacher Coach Taylor Edmondson, and definitely enjoys her classes.

Caden moved from Salt Lake City, Utah nearly eight years ago and has adjusted well, but says he prefers to live in a bigger city. When Sullivan is older, he wants to get a job at the Mojang Office as a Minecraft coder/creator. “I’ve heard it’s a really cool office.”

In his free time, Sullivan likes to play popular video games such as Halo 5, Star Wars Battlefront, and Minecraft. Minecraft is his favorite because he “gets to build stuff and go beyond (his) imagination.” The game also allows him to play online with his friends. Another one of his pastimes is watching some of his favorite YouTubers like DanTDM.

Sullivan is the middle child out of five. He has two younger brothers (Tyler and Lucas) and two older sisters (Mackenzie and Cierra). He also recently became an uncle; his eldest sister, Mackenzie, had a baby girl named Coraline.

One of the things Sullivan is most looking forward to is meeting and holding his niece for the first time. As it is flu season, Caden has yet to be able to go to the hospital.

