Student Spotlight: Kaylee Wiggins

Emma Yanez
The Montessori Insider
2 min readSep 16, 2017

Kaylee Wiggins, a student at Jefferson Montessori Academy, loves school and wants to cherish her final months as a K-12 student. Here is a look at Kaylee’s amazing years at JMA.

Kaylee is a senior at JMA and is not yet ready to graduate. Kaylee said that she was not ready to leave high school because she doesn’t want to leave all of the friends she has made. She loves attending JMA but is sad because she missed out on a lot of things like prom and other activities that a traditional high school would offer. Kaylee has attended JMA twice. In total she has been attending the school for eight years. Through all of these years Kaylee’s favorite teacher is Ms.Loretta Wilson.

After Kaylee graduates she wants to attend the University of California at Los Angeles and plans to stay in the LA area after graduating. Her plans after graduating are to become an SFX artist which is working on special effects in film. At the age of 15, Wiggins interest grew in make-up designs and effects and this is when she started to practice the art form. Her biggest supporters throughout her life have been her mom and grandparents. After college she hopes to be able to support her family and take care of them.

Kaylee was fortunate to move to and live in Hawaii but upon her return she faced a very difficult challenge.

“After we decided to come back to Carlsbad, the neighbors caught our house on fire. It was so bad that we still haven’t replaced what we lost.”

Even through difficulty Kaylee still finds happiness and inspiration in life and through her JMA family. A couple of the things Kaylee does for inspiration is listen to music and hang out with friends. One of her biggest interests is hanging out and having fun with her friends; specifically trying out her makeup schemes on other boys.

Through all of the fun Kaylee has had throughout her years at school, she is excited to graduate and finally make something of herself. She is now counting down the days until she can cross that stage, receive her diploma and finally say that she did it.

