Terrorist Attack in France, Officer Killed

Alex Haynie
The Montessori Insider
2 min readMar 29, 2018
“Never before was so much owed by so many to so few.” -Winston Churchill

On March 24th, a supermarket in Trebes, France was attacked by an ISIS supporter, resulting in the deaths of four people, including an officer who was attempting to trade himself for one of the hostages.

The attack began when Moroccan-born Radouane Lakdim burst into the Super U Supermarket in Trebes, declared his loyalty to the Islamic State, and shot and killed a worker and a customer. He then held everyone else hostage.

As the attack was underway, police forces began gathering outside in preparation for negotiations with the terrorist. Lt. Col. Arnaud Beltrame was chosen to go into the supermarket, confront the gunman, and offer himself in exchange for the safety of one of the hostages. Arnaud also brought his phone so that he could record the entire conversation with the gunman. If things went wrong, heavily armed police positioned outside the entrance would be given the command to find and kill the terrorist. However, when Arnaud entered the building, he was immediately fired upon by Lakdim, sustaining many fatal injuries. Once police heard gunshots, officers swiftly moved into the building and killed the gunman.

Over 200 people have died as a result of Islamist-inspired terrorist attacks in France in the course of three years. Due to the wave of terrorism that has struck the nation, France had been in a state of emergency for the past two years, although it was recently lifted last year. Despite this, France still remains a sitting duck for terrorist activities, and tragedies such as the one in Trebes are not uncommon.

Arnaud’s death was met with grief and remorse, with the news of his passing reaching even the ears of France’s current president.

“Lt. Col. Arnaud Beltrame died in the service of the nation to which he had already contributed so much,” French President Emmanuel Macron said in a statement. “By giving his life to end the murderous escapade of a jihadist terrorist, he died a hero.”

Other national leaders have responed to the attack as well. President Donald Trump commented on the attack in Trebes on Twitter Saturday, saying “Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the horrible attack in France yesterday, and we grieve the nation’s loss.”

Investigations are currently underway to determine how Lakdim managed to get his weapons, when and through what means was he conscripted into the Islamic State.

