You Are Never Too Old To Go Trick or Treating

Maria Nava
The Montessori Insider
2 min readOct 7, 2019

Trick or treating has been an important part of our childhoods for countless generations.

Halloween is celebrated on October 31st, where everybody picks a costume to wear that day. Even older people celebrate Halloween by buying candy to give to the trick’or treaters or going trick or treating themselves. You are never too old to have free candy and have fun with your friends.

People knock on doors asking for candy, most of whom are kids with their parents but adults can also have fun and ask for candy. Almost everyone decorates their house like a cemetery or with “dead bodies” or skeletons giving the impression that the house is haunted or something scary. If you are tired of trick or treating, sometimes there are fairs where you can go and have fun with friends or family.

When you are a teen you probably think to yourself “I am too old to go trick or treating”, and you only do it if you have a younger sibling who wants to go and needs someone to watch over them. You are never too old to go trick or treating because you are going to have fun. Don’t worry about what people may think, don’t let that be an impediment for you or your friends. Just go and knock on doors asking for candy and live your life, Halloween is once a year and it’s a really fun celebration and you shouldn’t feel bad for participating in a time-honored tradition. Prepare to make your costume and be the most frightening person you can be, like a skeleton, a vampire, a werewolf or a zombie. Or, be a superhero, a princess, a doctor, or just be yourself, whatever you want to be. Adults think they are too old to go trick or treating but the age doesn’t really matter, enjoy the holidays, eat a lot of candy, be with your friends and family, drink hot cocoa, and eat the candies you got when you were trick or treating and share the candies with your friends, your family, or just keep those for yourself. Halloween is the best holiday and you can’t miss it just because you think you are too old, don’t let that stop you and just enjoy Halloween because you are never too old to go trick or treating and have tons of free candy. Have a spooky Halloween and be prepared to get scared and scream!

