Posting Up In The Paint

Mario Fraioli
The Monthly Writing Project
1 min readFeb 17, 2015

By Mario Fraioli

The tall, gangly center lopes down the court, waving his long arms in the air while calling for the ball. No dice. He comes to a stop just outside the base of the key, wedging his backside into the defender’s upper thigh as he staggers his size 19 feet a shoulder’s width apart to establish position. His arms come up in the air once again, a wide target high above his head. The point guard spots the opening out of the corner of his eye and a split-second later he launches the ball over the outstretched hands of his befuddled defender. The center swallows the small pill with his massive hands and immediately squares himself to the rim. He pump fakes once. The opposing defender takes the bait and launches himself toward the rim. As he comes down the offending center makes a deliberate charge toward the basket. The ball kisses the backboard and falls through the net as the referee’s whistle shrieks loudly from underneath the basket.



Mario Fraioli
The Monthly Writing Project

writer of the morning shakeout. biting off more than I can chew since 1982.