How a Simple Phrase Can Help You Live Your Best Life

“How Does It Get Better Than This?”

Joe Moody
The Mood


Credit: Canva.

People aren't just remixing songs these days, they're remixing their subconscious minds to clear hurdles that prevent us from reaching our goals.

One key is our inner dialogue, which reflects our subconscious beliefs. Turns out those words can hold more power than what we actually say and write.

An example: let's say things are going great. Perhaps some random business idea starts gaining traction, and you're suddenly earning a side income in you sleep.

A common reaction might be to kick back and say, "Wow, it just doesn't get any better than this!”

However, you just told your subconscious mind that things will not get better. You essentially put a limit on how good things can get.

If instead, if we shift our dialogue to say, “How does it get better than this?" — we not only honor our current happiness, but allow things to keep getting better.

The magic is in how this phrase can apply to almost any situation.

Let's say things are going really bad… Maybe you're in a rut (we’ve all been there). “How does it get better than this?” is a gentle way to allow improvement, to send a question into the universe and see what comes…



Joe Moody
The Mood

Bringing you insights for and passive income tips ... aka "Joe Drummer Boy"