The Most Powerful One-Minute Routine You Never Heard Of

And You Don’t Even Need Discipline

Joe Moody
The Mood


Woman doing a victory pose with her arms in a V shape overlooking mountains.

We’re always hearing how precious those morning hours are. Apple’s own Tim Cook recently said he wakes at 4 am as those early morning hours belong to you.

“Things happen through the day that kind of blow you off course. The morning is yours. Or should I say, the early morning is yours.” — Tim Cook

No, we're not gonna tell you to wake up at 4 am

We're not even going to tell you what to start your day with (though I could just throw in pretty easily here: “room-temperature water with fresh squeezed lemon juice”).

But you clicked on this story for the promise of rocking out your day with only a one-minute routine. And I shall deliver.

It sounds too good to be true, like that “4-hour work week” we heard so much about it while back. (Update, the guy who invented that decided it’s better to work more than four hours a week).

This requires no discipline, but perhaps reminders

There's no special skills, training or willpower required to do this, yet it has profound…



Joe Moody
The Mood

Bringing you insights for and passive income tips ... aka "Joe Drummer Boy"