Throw Away Your Hair Products

No More Gels and Sprays. Just Nature…

Joe Moody
The Mood


A blonde woman tosses her hair back seductively.
Ayo Ogunseinde

I love Mother Nature, how she takes care of us better than “products” from a lab. I’m also a minimalist, appreciating one-ingredient wonders that do the work of many.

That’s what led me to turn to a common household item to contain my unruly hair. But better hair was just the beginning of the benefits…

I liked how this ingredient felt, how there was no chemical residue, and how it kept my hair from going into full-on mop mode.

After some years using it, I also noticed I had less gray hair than my brother who is two years younger than me.

Hmm, I thought. Could it be?

Here’s what I use, and how do I use it…

The author, Joe Moody.
The author after a little soap and olive oil.

I’m talking about a natural substance you probably already have in your kitchen: olive oil.

After I shower, I dry my hair a bit with a towel but leave it damp. Then, I pour a few drops in one hand, and rub my hands together to warm up the oil. After that, I simply smooth my fingers through my damp hair, following up with a quick brush.



Joe Moody
The Mood

Bringing you insights for and passive income tips ... aka "Joe Drummer Boy"