You’re Allowed to Change Your Way of Thinking. I Did.

Ashley D
The Moody [fill in the blank]
4 min readJun 11, 2020


If I could talk to a younger version of myself, I would rip her apart. I am embarrassed to admit that in the past my way of thinking exemplified white privilege. At least now I can admit that and do better — maybe you can too.

There are many times I would sit and wonder things that I should never admit to anyone. Here’s the thing, I am adult enough to know I was ignorant when I was younger and strong enough to admit my mistakes.

I never considered myself a racist. In fact, I grew up in southeast Michigan and went to a predominately African American church. My dad’s best friend was African American and I was closer to him than my actual aunts and uncles. I thought because I had this influence in my life, that meant I was not racist. But, that didn’t change my way of thinking as a child.

Here are some thoughts I had as a child:

Me: “Why is it they get their own award show?”

Me: “Why do they get their own history month?”

Me: “Why do they have their own channel?”

And worst yet:

Me: “Why is it that just black lives matter?”

These thoughts came about as a child, so who can I blame here? Honestly, I blame the years of white…



Ashley D
The Moody [fill in the blank]

Dog mom. Wife. Blogger. Defining my life to the standards I set for myself. Forever and always unapologetically me.