From Danzig to Donetsk: 15 Patterns of Conflict and Consequence

The invasion of Poland that sparked World War II and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine share several parallels.

Tristan Mueller
The Quiet Part Out Loud
6 min readMar 30, 2024


Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

The flashpoint where World War II began was the city of Gdańsk (Danzig), located in present-day Poland. The conflict ignited after the German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, which led to Britain and France declaring war on Germany on September 3, 1939. We are doomed to repeat the past if we do not learn it’s lessons. Current events in Ukraine eerily follow a pattern of escalation that signaled the start of World War II.

Here are 15 correlations between those in Poland and what is presently occurring in Ukraine:

1. Territorial Ambitions: In both cases, the aggressor nations (Germany in WWII, Russia in Ukraine) had territorial ambitions. Germany sought to expand its territory and influence in Europe, while Russia aims to maintain control over regions it sees as historically and strategically important.

2. Violation of Sovereignty: The invasions of Poland and Ukraine both involved a blatant violation of sovereign nations' territorial integrity. Germany’s invasion of Poland violated international law and treaties, similarly, Russia’s annexation of Crimea and intervention in Eastern Ukraine disregarded Ukraine’s sovereignty.

3. Pretext for Intervention: In both instances, the aggressor nations used various pretexts to justify their actions. Germany claimed to be protecting German minorities in Poland, while Russia cited the protection of Russian-speaking populations in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.

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4. International Response: Following the invasions, there were varying international responses. While the League of Nations failed to prevent Germany's aggression in the 1930s, the United Nations and Western countries have implemented sanctions and diplomatic measures against Russia for its actions in Ukraine.

5. Alliance Dynamics: The aggression in Poland led to the formation of military alliances such as the Allies, while the conflict in Ukraine has tested the solidarity of NATO and other regional alliances.

6. Humanitarian Impact: Both conflicts have had significant humanitarian consequences, including displacement, casualties, and human rights abuses. Civilians in Poland and Ukraine have borne the brunt of the violence and upheaval caused by these conflicts.

7. Legacy of Conflict: Lastly, both events have left a lasting legacy on the affected regions and the international community. In the annals of history, few events rival the seismic impact of World War II. Its toll, both in lives lost and scarred, is staggering. An estimated 70 to 85 million souls perished, representing a profound 3% of the global populace at the time. It was heralded by the advent of nuclear power. It also ignited a relentless arms race that echoes into the present day. The conflict in Ukraine is a tinderbox waiting to explode.

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8. Militarization and Aggression: Both conflicts witnessed militarization and aggressive actions by the invading forces. In the case of Poland, Germany launched a full-scale military invasion, while in Ukraine, Russia deployed military forces and supported separatist movements.

9. Ethnic and Cultural Dynamics: Ethnically and culturally diverse regions were at the center of both conflicts. In Poland, tensions arose over the treatment of ethnic minorities, particularly Germans in areas like Danzig. Similarly, in Ukraine, divisions along ethnic and linguistic lines exacerbated the conflict, particularly in regions with significant Russian-speaking populations.

10. Economic Interests: Economic interests played a significant role in both conflicts. Germany sought access to Poland's industrial resources and agricultural land, while Russia's intervention in Ukraine is linked to its economic interests, including control over energy resources and strategic trade routes.

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11. Propaganda and Disinformation: Both aggressor nations utilized propaganda and disinformation to justify their actions and manipulate public opinion. Germany spread propaganda about Polish aggression and mistreatment of ethnic Germans, while Russia employed similar tactics to justify its intervention in Ukraine and portray the Ukrainian government as illegitimate or hostile towards Russian-speaking populations.

12. Refugee Crisis: Both conflicts led to significant refugee crises, with millions of people displaced from their homes. In World War II, Polish civilians fled the advancing German forces, while in Ukraine, millions have been internally displaced or sought refuge in neighboring countries due to the conflict in the Donbas region.

13. Impact on Global Order: The invasion of Poland and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine have had profound impacts on the global order. World War II reshaped the balance of power and led to the emergence of the United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers. Similarly, the conflict in Ukraine has strained relations between Russia and the West, prompting debates about international norms and the effectiveness of collective security mechanisms.

14. Lessons Learned and Unlearned: Despite the lessons learned from World War II, including the importance of preventing aggression and upholding international law, similar patterns of behavior have emerged in the conflict in Ukraine. The failure to effectively deter aggression in the past raises questions about the efficacy of current international mechanisms for maintaining peace and security.

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15. Long-term Consequences: Both conflicts have had long-term consequences for the affected regions and the world at large. World War II resulted in immense human suffering, destruction, and the reshaping of political boundaries, while the conflict in Ukraine continues to fuel instability and tensions in Europe, with implications for regional security and global stability.

The parallels between the invasion of Poland that ignited World War II and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, are striking. The events are eerily similar. Are we watching the beginning of World War III in real time? It becomes evident that history, despite its painful lessons, often repeats itself. The echoes of aggression, territorial ambitions, and the disregard for international norms remind us of the enduring struggles for peace and justice in our world.

We must heed the lessons of the past and reaffirm our commitment to upholding the principles of sovereignty, human rights, and diplomacy. It is incumbent upon us, as global citizens, to promote dialogue and support efforts to resolve conflicts through peaceful means.

Let us not be passive observers of history but active participants in shaping the world. Each of us has a role to play in advocating for peace, fostering understanding, and building bridges across divides. It is to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

In the face of adversity, let empathy guide our actions, solidarity unite our efforts, and hope inspire our future. Together, let us strive to ensure that the lessons of history are not forgotten and that the legacy we leave for future generations is one of peace, compassion, and justice.

Photo by Daria Volkova on Unsplash



Tristan Mueller
The Quiet Part Out Loud

I serve up my take on current events with a side of satire. When it comes to self-improvement, I aim to help unlock our full potentials, but at heart, I'm a sp