How Law Enforcement Shapes the Future of Publishing

Tristan Mueller
The Quiet Part Out Loud
3 min readApr 13, 2024
Photo by AJ Colores on Unsplash

The destinies of writers and law enforcement have become interwoven due to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts. Under their current implementation, the pulse of societal change beats in harmony with the strokes of a pen.

In the aftermath of George Floyd's tragic demise, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives have begun reshaping the very foundations of our institutions. These initiatives bore down upon publishing houses like relentless waves crashing against the shore.

The once foundational field of literature now finds itself in the throes of an Apocalypse. Venerable publishing entities are crumbling beneath the weight of DEI mandates. The fate of publishing hangs precariously upon the policies and procedures of law enforcement.

Are we but one police incident away from witnessing the annihilation of our craft? Could another George Floyd-level tragedy trigger a cataclysmic chain reaction, rendering writers obsolete in its wake? I wonder if we possess the resilience to weather another storm of this magnitude.

Yet, the harbingers of our doom may have already arrived. In Chicago, as the echoes of gunfire reverberate through the streets, a teenager becomes the latest casualty of police action. Last week, a teen was struck down by a barrage of bullets by law enforcement.

Should the powers that be handle this tragedy the same as they did George Floyd's, then indeed, our profession teeters on the brink of oblivion.

In this unequal and unsustainable dynamic, writers find ourselves at the mercy of forces beyond our control. Cops wield the power to enact policies and procedures that can shape the fate of our industry. As writers, we lack the influence to hold them to account.

It's a one-way street where the actions of law enforcement can wreak havoc on the livelihoods of writers. Yet, there is no mechanism for writers to demand reciprocity or justice in return.

This imbalance of power is unjust. It threatens the very foundation of our profession. How can we continue to create and innovate in an environment where our fate hangs in the balance? Are we subject to the whims of those who hold the keys to power?

We must stand in solidarity with one another, united in our commitment to defend our rights. The limited freedoms we have, and our ability to tell the stories that matter most. It is our determination that will ultimately prevail.

Let us forge alliances with like-minded individuals and organizations. Let's leverage our collective strength to hold those in positions of power accountable for their actions.

But let us not stop there. Let us also work to create alternative pathways for writers to thrive, independent of the volatile whims of law enforcement. Whether through grassroots initiatives, community-supported platforms, or innovative publishing models, we can chart a new course forward that empowers writers to take control of their own destinies.

Together, let us build a future where writers are not mere casualties of circumstance. Where the pen truly is mightier than the sword, and where justice, fairness, and creativity reign supreme.

The road ahead may be fraught with challenges. This will require a steadfast belief in the power of our craft. Collectively, we can overcome any obstacle in our way. Even though the fate of publishing may be unclear for now, as long as there are stories to be told and voices to be heard, the spirit of writing will endure.

Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash



Tristan Mueller
The Quiet Part Out Loud

I serve up my take on current events with a side of satire. When it comes to self-improvement, I aim to help unlock our full potentials, but at heart, I'm a sp