Former Moorestown resident William Waltz, teaching and preaching at Cinnaminson Baptist Church

“I trusted Christ as my savior when I was 17 years old.”

Larry Henry
The Moorestown Sun
3 min readSep 4, 2017


For some religious leaders, the path into the ministry may be something they’ve considered since day one. For others, they always wanted to help others and figured being a pastor or reverend would be the best way.

Pastor William Waltz, motivational leader of Cinnaminson Baptist Church, received his call as a foreign exchange student in New Zealand.

Following his return home, the 17-year-old Waltz concluded his high school career and chose Philadelphia Biblical University as his plans after graduation. Waltz chose social work as a major because he wanted to help others and impact their lives, like Christ did with his.

“I trusted Christ as my savior when I was 17 years old,” Waltz said. “Following my graduation for college, I began working with an agency for the blind, which lasted about a year.”

Waltz, who grew up in both Phoenixville, Pa., and Moorestown, returned to college and received a master’s of divinity degree from Biblical Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. In August 1984, Waltz was hired as pastor of Cinnaminson Baptist Church, where he has stayed for 33 years.

“It’s funny how I began preaching, really, because a professor of mine at college led courses for no credit,” Waltz said. “Professor Kaywood’s preaching class really had me intrigued to continue pressing toward that path.”

Since coming to Cinnaminson Baptist Church, Waltz has earned a doctor of ministry degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a certificate in pastoral counseling from the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation. Waltz has also taught courses at Philadelphia Biblical University and Zaporoshye Bible College and Seminary in Ukraine.

Waltz is not the only one in his family who feels strongly about the church. He met his wife in high school, and they attended Philadelphia Biblical University together, eventually getting married. His wife Barbara graduated from the church music program from the university, and is Waltz’ right-hand partner at all times.

“This is our 40th year of marriage, and she’s been the best pastor’s wife you could ever imagine,” Waltz said. “To be successful in a small church, you have to have a strong partner, and she’s been every bit of that for me.”

Being a pastor means being a figurehead in the community, and helping numerous people through different times in their lives. Pastors can provide relief during a tough time, or provide celebration and joy during a happy time. Waltz enjoys all of that and more.

“I enjoy being with the people, there is no question about that,” Waltz said. “But the best part, which I feel the Lord has gifted me in this way, is the teaching and preaching of the word.”

When asked about his favorite part of his congregation, Waltz did not hesitate.

“We’re a small church, everybody knows everybody,” Waltz said. “I could never imagine myself leading a multi-hundred people church.I like small and I like knowing everybody, which is what this church has.The relationships you form with others is just outstanding.”

For more information regarding Cinnaminson Baptist Church, check



Larry Henry
The Moorestown Sun

Hello everyone. I am on the right of the pic FYI. 25 years young. Journalist, Radio Personality, Sports Enthusiast. Rowan U Honors Grad.