Intro to Jazz classes start this month

The Moorestown Sun
Published in
1 min readSep 13, 2013

New Intro to Jazz classes, sponsored by the Moorestown Department of Parks and Recreation, are from Sept. 21 to Nov. 9, from 11 to 11:45 a.m. for children ages 7 to 10. Chelsea Gross, the department’s dance instructor, will instruct the courses.

The fee for the program is $75 for Moorestown residents and $95 for nonresidents.

Intro to Jazz is a fun way to combine energy and movement while listening to various types of music. Participants will utilize basic dance steps to learn short routines and combinations. By combining fancy footwork and funky beats, students will learn the basics needed to advance in higher-level classes. Dancers will learn various warm-ups and stretches necessary for dance posture.

These combining factors will ensure dancers will not only learn the basics but also enjoy showcasing their originality and individuality. The program will conclude with a recital on the last day of the series.

To register, please visit our website at

For questions, please contact the Department of Parks and Recreation office at (856) 914–3093.

