Letter to the Editor: Edwin Begg

In his letter, Begg questions Trump’s selection record.

Kelly Flynn
The Moorestown Sun
2 min readAug 30, 2018


Who helps run our federal government counts. President Donald Trump never understood that. His choices reflect his character and who he is. By one estimate, 23 high-level officials in his administration are gone in only 20 short months of his tenure. No former president comes close to Trump’s horrible selection record.

Consider Trump’s choices and their performance. Anthony Scaramucci, foul-mouthed Communications Director, self-destructed after only 10 days on the job. Tom Price, Secretary of Health and Human Services loved first-class air travel at taxpayer expense. Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the EPA, wasted taxpayer funds, associated with lobbyists and had government employees run personal errands. Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State, never connected to Trump and was unsuited for the job. Steve Bannon, Trump’s Chief Strategist, left in a cloud of white nationalist revolution. Michael Flynn, National Security Advisor for 24 days, lied to Vice President Pence. Does anyone see a pattern?

Trump lacks critical judgement. All this turmoil would be entertaining if it were a TV program, like Celebrity Apprentice. But it is not. This is our government. The world is a dangerous place. We deserve a president who knows what he is doing and is working mightily to protect us from our enemies (Russia, North Korea, China and Iran).

Make our government great again. Change the makeup of the House of Representatives, currently run by gutless camp followers, who blindly do Trump’s bidding. Vote for Kim in November.

Edwin Begg

