Letter to the Editor: Kristine Piccola

Letter writer Kristine Piccola is calling on her fellow residents to vote this November.

Kelly Flynn
The Moorestown Sun
2 min readMay 16, 2018


I was disappointed to read our Mayor, Stacey Jordan, voice support for Congressman Tom MacArthur’s response on gun control issues. I would hope our mayor is aware that our congressman’s voting record on gun issues has failed all of us. It is certainly good news that MacArthur will finally support legislation to strengthen background checks, but everyone should understand, MacArthur’s support comes with a few caveats.

We are lucky that New Jersey already has the some of the strictest gun laws in the country. These laws are completely upended by MacArthur’s “yes” vote on the Concealed Carry Reciprocity bill, which allows gun owners from states with minimal restrictions on gun ownership to conceal carry in New Jersey. Why should our tough gun laws not apply to non-residents? While he supports restrictions on gun ownership for those with mental illness, MacArthur voted for an exemption for veterans with mental illness.

Further still, by stating “taking guns out of the hands of law-abiding, mentally-sound Americans is unconstitutional,” MacArthur proves he’s not leading the discussion but dragging it down. He’s basing this important discussion on a parody of the concerned voices nationwide who demand common sense gun legislation, not the disarming of law abiding American citizens.

We need leaders who are listening and understand the concerns and needs of constituents. Our mayor has just aligned herself with a representative who does neither. MacArthur’s words and votes have shown this to be true. This November, MacArthur needs to be voted out. Candidate Andy Kim is listening to those of us who demand sensible, comprehensive gun legislation. Likewise, with two seats on the Moorestown town council on the ballot, a vote for Nicole Gillespie and Brian Donnelly will lead to the appointment of a mayor who supports his/her constituents first.

Kristine Piccola

