Letter to the Editor: Susan Coleman

Coleman says she’ll be changing her vote this November.

Kelly Flynn
The Moorestown Sun
1 min readJun 30, 2018


The defections of prominent Republicans from their party seem to be picking up speed. I never thought I’d hear conservative columnist George Will tell people to vote against Republicans for Congress. Republican strategist and former John McCain campaign manager, Steve Schmidt, left what he called the “corrupt” and “immoral” GOP and called for a Democratic wave in the November 2018 election.

Donald Trump has remade the party in his own image, and Congress (including my formerly moderate Congressman, Tom MacArthur) is acting as a rubber stamp instead of a co-equal branch of government. MacArthur made his governing philosophy clear in a speech this spring at a Medford retirement community. He said, in Washington, “To get along, you have to go along.”

When Congress stops exercising independent judgment and just “goes along,” it is not doing its job. We need to replace Tom MacArthur and elect someone whose priority is protecting his constituents instead of only looking out for himself.

I voted for Tom MacArthur last time, but this November, I’ll be taking George Will’s advice and will be voting for Andy Kim.

Susan Coleman

