Letter to the Editor: Time to talk about Moorestown’s finance

Riggins writes that it is time for a change.

Kelly Flynn
The Moorestown Sun
2 min readOct 19, 2018


There’s a reason my wife and I moved back to Moorestown after 10 years living in Washington, D.C.: you simply don’t find the mix of good people, community values and amazing schools in many other towns. So, it was a shock to learn that Moorestown has some very real issues when you look under the hood, eerily similar to the issues facing the government in our former city.

Moorestown is currently carrying a total debt of nearly $60 million. That means that $4 million per year. One in every six dollars collected goes to servicing our debt. The more worrying part is that council — including one of the Republican candidates — increased spending by $1.2 million this year, and in order to balance the budget, drained $2.6 million from our surplus (our “rainy day” funds) — deficit spending to give the appearance of a “tax cut” that in reality is only about $20 for the average homeowner.

It’s pretty clear that these problems were not made overnight, and more worryingly, they continue to occur. That’s why I think on Nov. 6 it’s time to change things up and vote for Democrats Nicole Gillespie and Brian Donnelly for Moorestown council. They are candidates who have the experience and leadership we urgently need to bring real fiscal responsibility while holding the line on our already record-setting tax burden. The time to address these problems is now, so that we can give our children a Moorestown they can love as much as we do.

Matthew Riggins

