Moorestown budget coming down to the wire

The Moorestown Sun
Published in
1 min readJun 12, 2012

If this were college, the Moorestown Township Council would definitely be pulling some all-nighters in the upcoming week.

The five members of council are facing a June 22 deadline set by the state to introduce its 2012 budget, or each member will be fined $25 for every day it goes over the state deadline.

The council rejected the latest incarnation of the budget, asking Township Manager Scott Carew and Township Finance Director Tom Merchel to present the council with budget options that do no feature a tax levy increase.

By a vote of 3–2, the council rejected a proposed $22.719 million budget that featured a one-cent increase in the local purpose tax rate. Revenue from the possible sale of the liquor licenses was included in the budget to help bridge a gap of more than $600,000, Merchel said, as well as some of the utility fund.

Mayor John Button said Moorestown is in an advantageous financial position right now, with debt services being reduced in 2014 the township should not be looking at any tax levy increase right now.

The council will meet again on Wednesday, June 20 to discuss the budget options and introduce one of the documents.

